Swiftfeatherz is my pen name~
Please call me Gab, Gabs or Gabby ~^^~
• she/her~
• aro/ace~
• eurasian~
• sagittarius~
• ambivert~
• slytherin~
• aspiring vet nurse~

And so
Until we meet again
Take care my friend
You will be in my thoughts till the very end
My brilliant moon glowing in the sky with a smile
My little shining starlight I will see you in a while
-An Ode to the Moon (excerpt)
~rain and snow
~the night and the cold
~the moon, stars and space
~(and hence) stargazing
~scented candles
~dark chocolates (hot too)
~autumn and winter
~books, fics and poetry~
~words and phrases
~writing (on pen and paper)
~all kinds of animals, especially cats, piggies and bunnies
~horror movies and games
My loves